In a groundbreaking effort to transform educational practices, Prof. Dr. Petyo Budakov, Managing Director of Budakov Films Ltd, presented the Erasmus+ co-funded project ‘Co-Design Learning For The School of the Future.’ This innovative project, revealed at an international meet-up hosted by the University of Bremen and the Markstones Institute of Marketing, Branding & Technology, aims to revolutionize classroom teaching through a collaborative and multidisciplinary co-design approach.

In a significant stride towards educational innovation, Prof. Dr. Petyo Budakov, Managing Director of Budakov Films Ltd, recently showcased the Erasmus+ co-funded project ‘Co-Design Learning For The School of the Future’ at an international meet-up. This event was hosted by the University of Bremen and the Markstones Institute of Marketing, Branding & Technology in Bremen.

During his presentation, Prof. Budakov outlined the project’s primary aims, goals, and the progress achieved thus far. A key highlight of his presentation was the detailed discussion of Work Package 2: Co.De. 4 Teachers. This segment of the project focuses on equipping teachers with the necessary skills, abilities, and knowledge to effectively implement the co-design approach in their classrooms. The specific objectives of this work package include:

  • Formalizing the Competence Model: Establishing the skills, abilities, and knowledge required for teachers to utilize the co-design approach effectively.
  • Developing an E-Questionnaire: Creating a tool for teachers to self-assess their readiness in adopting co-design learning and methods.
  • Creating Micro-Learning Opportunities: Offering “learning snacks” to help teachers bridge potential gaps in their competences and background, enabling them to teach and adopt multidisciplinary co-design learning in their classrooms.
  • Enhancing Teacher Competences: Providing training to improve teachers’ abilities in co-design learning and methods.

Prof. Budakov also provided insights into the upcoming Moodle-based online platform, which will be developed during Work Package 3: Classroom. This platform aims to further support teachers and students in adopting and benefiting from the co-design learning approach.

The presentation was met with great enthusiasm, sparking a lively discussion filled with questions, positive feedback, and valuable suggestions from attendees. This level of engagement highlights the importance and potential impact of the project on the future of education.

Stay tuned for more updates on this transformative project that aims to revolutionize education through innovative co-design learning approaches.

*Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.