We are thrilled to announce the successful completion of the UX@School Handbook, a milestone achieved during the Work Package 2 of the Erasmus+ co-funded project ‘UX@School’ (Project Number: 2023-1-IT02-KA220-SCH-000156059).
This comprehensive guide is designed specifically for secondary school teachers and educators, equipping them with the essential knowledge and tools to create learning scenarios that are accessible, inclusive, effective, and engaging.
The Methodology Behind the Handbook
The creation of this Handbook was a meticulous process that involved multiple stages and the collaboration of various experts and stakeholders across five countries: Italy, Bulgaria, Spain, Greece, and Lithuania.
1. Focus Groups
– Conducted with teachers and UX Design technology experts to gather insights into the needs for resources, tools, and methodologies for integrating UX Design principles into digital and online learning.
– 28 respondents participated, providing valuable input that shaped the direction of the Handbook.
2. Student Questionnaires
– Administered to students in each participating country to ensure the Handbook addresses their needs.
– 133 student respondents contributed, offering perspectives that enriched the content.

3. Compilation and Reporting
– The lead partner, Learnable, compiled the findings from the focus groups and questionnaires, generating a comprehensive report summarizing the key insights.
4. Collaborative Development
– The Handbook’s structure was defined and shared among partners. Each partner contributed to its creation based on their expertise, ensuring a well-rounded and practical guide.
Inside the UX@School Handbook
The Handbook is organized into five distinct chapters, each focusing on a critical aspect of integrating UX Design principles in educational settings:
1. From the Student-Centred Approach to UX Design
– Provides a comprehensive overview of the fundamental principles of a Student-Centred Approach and the application of UX Design in education.
2. The UX@School Approach
– Explains the effective use of the UX@School Online Tracking System and the UX@School MOOC within educational contexts.
3. Guidelines, Tools, and Resources for Getting Students’ Perceptions**:
– Offers practical guidance on how to gather and utilize students’ perceptions and feedback to facilitate effective learning processes.
4. School Strategy Based on UX Design Principles
– Presents tools and templates tailored to educators’ needs for planning a school strategy grounded in UX Design principles.
5. Tools for Improving Accessibility, Effectiveness, and Engagement of Digital Education Materials
– Introduces various online tools designed to enhance the accessibility, effectiveness, and engagement of digital education materials.
A Collaborative Effort
The successful completion of this Handbook is a testament to the hard work and collaboration of our partners: Raseinių Šaltinio progimnazija, IED Institute of Entrepreneurship Development, Budakov Films Ltd, Learnable, Polo3fano, and Akoe. Each partner brought unique insights and expertise, ensuring the Handbook is a valuable resource for educators striving to improve their digital and online learning practices.
We are proud of this achievement and excited to see the positive impact it will have on secondary education. Stay tuned for more updates and opportunities to engage with the UX@School project!
For more information, please find the handbook here: https://www.uxatschool.eu/2024/07/11/uxschool-handbook-first-release-2/
*Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Agenzia nazionale Erasmus+ INDIRE. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.