The managing director of Adacademy Ltd, Dr. Petyo Budakov was honoured and privilleged to be invited as a visiting professor at the Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia. He delivered a few courses in design to students, enrolled in the bachelor and master program, department of Design.
The university was founded in 1899 on the wave of economic and political successes of Russia. It was built as a university campus to the northwest from the then city borders. For more than a century, the history and glory of Polytechnic University was created by the people who had taught and studied there, including Nobel Prize winners P.L. Kapitsa, N.N. Semyonov, Z.I. Alferov, famous physicists A.F. Ioffe, I.V. Kurchatov, A.A. Radzig, Y.B. Khariton, Constuctor General O.A. Antonov, and many other talented and famous scientists.
However, Mr. Budakov shares his impressions from his stay in St. Petersburg: For 10 days I spent in Russia is hard to find the right words to express my quite positive impressions – modern country, unique hospitality and shown respect to me and Bulgaria. Everywhere I met young, entrepreneurial-oriented freethinkers who are strongly motivated to succeed! The students could be considered as a “mirror of the contemporary society” and the higher education features unmatched high professionalism, development of innovations, close and tight connection between higher education and the fast-growing business! Furthermore, the department of Design is a creative cradle of high-qualified professors and ambitious, very talented students. I also met many experts and students from all over the world which refers for diversity and a positive learning environment which respects and promotes intellectual diversity! I’d like to express my sincere gratitude to Prof. Dr. Vladimir Ivanov, Assoc. prof. Anton Naumov, Prof. Yuliana Karpova and all other colleagues. Visit Russia!!