The third Regio.Digi.Hub (REGIO.DIGI.HUB – Regional Development Digital Education HUB 2021-1-RO01-KA220-VET-000028118) transnational project meeting took place in the picturesque Derio, Spain on 29th-30th of March 2023. The meeting was hosted by Politeknika Txorierri and was joined by all project partners. As a project coordinator NERDA moderated the meeting by making sure that all points into the agenda were properly delivered.
The meeting successfully addressed the organization of the upcoming multiplier events. During this point, partners considered how the project results which have been developed so far will be communicated effectively during the event and what kind of follow-up actions will be undertaken.
In addition, the consortium discussed the main goals of the forthcoming Learning, Teaching and Training Activities (LTTA) which will take place in Thesaloniki in September 2023. In addition, a detailed overview of the project results 1 and 2 was done and partners managed to finally assess the quality of those intellectual outputs.
However, the focus was placed on the third project result: Development of e-learning platform. Budakov Films as a lead of this Work Package presented the progress of development of the REGIO.DIGI.HUB Academy. The partners were introduced with the platform’s layout and user interface as well as being familiarized with the main functionalities that the platform feature.
In addition, the RCCI as a lead of the dissemination activities informed the partnership about the current results and new milestones were set up. Partners exchanged good dissemination practices intend for engaging more users and boosting the awareness of the project among our target audience.
Finally, the quality management was considered and it was concluded that all deadlines were successfully met and the project results meet the highest quality standards.
*This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project Number: 2021-1-RO01-KA220-VET-000028118.